We’re better together
My new friend in the photo is Jaxton Mix.
Yesterday June 28, 2023, was his 7th birthday.
Jaxton began his mission to improve the world on his 4th birthday.
That year on his birthday, rather than receiving gifts, this little man with a big heart wanted to give gifts.
Over the years, he has been making an annual gift to help the different organizations that help others.
He has previously donated to the Food Bank, Love for Lewiston Foundation, and the Vulcan Junior Golf Program.
The Vulcan County Health & Wellness Foundation was his choice this year.
We were incredibly fortunate to receive his gift of $125.00, and I was excited to tell him how his donation would support the health and wellness of all of us here in Vulcan County.
To my new friend, Jaxton, it was an honour to meet you, and from all of us here at the VCHW Foundation, we say Happy Birthday and Thank You, Jaxton.
You’re a gift.
Vulcan and District 4-H Beef Club
The Trustees of the Vulcan County Health and Wellness Foundation were thrilled to welcome these Vulcan and District 4-H Beef Club members and their parents into the expansion of the Vulcan Community Health Centre.
This group of future Agri-Business leaders take the health and wellness of our Vulcan County Community seriously, with over $8,300.00 in donations over the years.
Many thanks to our young leaders; We’re better together.
Carmanagay Lions Turkey Supper
Good Friday, April 7, 2023
Our supper is provided for the community and is normally set for the 1st Friday in April and the 1st Friday in November.
The funds raised at these suppers go towards various projects within the community and surrounding area. We have provided funds for the local Food Bank, Library, Campground, Curling Rink, Community Center and Fire Hall.
Our attendees are mostly local, but we do get some regular outsiders from Champion, Barons, and Lethbridge. We usually will feed roughly 130 to 140 people on average.
This last group for April 7 was approximately 160.
Our Club decided to donate the $2605.00 raised to the Vulcan County Health & Wellness Foundation after a visit from your group which provided information on what your organization does.
There was great enthusiasm within our Club to provide funds for the VCHW Foundation’s ongoing work.
I feel the general public’s awareness of your organization is something that needs to be put out there to show your past and future great work.
I wanted to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to the Vulcan County Health and Wellness Foundation for your contribution to those who reside in our local area and to my life personally.
We are so fortunate… few communities the size of Vulcan offer health resources and facilities comparable to the services we enjoy.
I have lived in Vulcan 49 years and during that time have encountered many serious health challenges. I’ve always received excellent assistance and care through our hospital, home visitations, therapies, educational programs, diagnostic procedures, and dedicated doctors, nurses & support staff.
To my surprise, I was contacted as the winner of a draw among those who gave a financial donation to the Health & Wellness Foundation.
In amazing generosity “Sarini Fine Jewellery” presented me with a very beautiful & rare gemstone and contributed towards the setting of my choice. (It impressed me to learn that Sarini gives a percentage of the value back to the Vulcan community whenever these gemstones are sold in their store.)
I wanted to give my daughter Julie this exquisite necklace as a Mother’s Day keepsake representing our relationship and my love for her. I thought it was quite special that the name of the necklace is: “Toi et’moi” which means “you and I.”
A big heartfelt thank you to Sandra & Dale of Sarini Fine Jewellery for making this wonderful gift which has so much meaning possible!
From L to R: Frank McInenly of Frank McInenly Auction Ltd., James (Jim) McNiven VCHWF Fundraising Committee, Marisa Kingsmith of Frank McInenly Auction Ltd., Peggy Hovde VCHWF Fundraising Committee, Hugh Campbell VCHWF Fundraising Committee, Stacey McInenly of Frank McInenly Auction Ltd., Darian Ashbacher VCHWF Fundraising Committee
Thank you for supporting our on-line auction, and supporting Health and Wellness for all citizens in the County of Vulcan!
Thank you to the Stacey and all of the team at Frank McInenly Auctions Ltd. for hosting this event on their website, and their generous and continued support towards the work of the Vulcan County Health & Wellness Foundation.
To the buyers, your support is invaluable! With you we were able to raise $12350.00. Your support of this event enables us to enhance the quality of health-care and wellness programs for all residents of Vulcan County!
To our many donors of auction items, without this event would not have possible, we thank you for all you do for your community! Full list of donors to this auction event is listed on our website. https://www.vchwfoundation.com/vchw-foundation-auction
Thank you 4H Club, August 27,2021
A big thank you to our local 4-H clubs for their generous donation. The youth in our community are so inspiring and we are grateful for their support. Please join us in applauding all their hard work.
Club names and Members are :
Arrowwood 4-H Beef Club
Grace FathLomand 4-H Multi Club
Maci DeitzChampion 4-H Multi Club
Anna LundgrenGlady’s 4-H Beef Club
Grace ClingmanIf you are a club or organization looking to support the VCHW Foundation through donation initatives we would love to hear from you.
Email: vchw.foundation@gmail.com
While we have always strived to feature Canadian made products here at Sarini Fine Jewellery, this past year has truly shown us the importance of buying Canadian, as well as shopping and supporting small business.
When Dale and I began talking about how we wanted to move forward in the wake of Covid-19, we began searching for more suppliers who manufactured here in Canada. We were able to source out three new suppliers, including a Canadian gem cutter, Lisa Elser, of Lisa Elser Gems.
There are only a handful of Canadian gemstone cutters, so that in and of itself was exciting, but what was also wonderful was finding a female gem cutter – that is about as rare as a pink diamond! This past Christmas, we were excited to debut four of Lisa’s custom cut loose gemstones. Lisa travels the world for ethically sourced rough gemstones, and then precision cuts them in her studio in Vancouver.
Like us, Lisa not only believes in buying ethically sourcing gemstones, and she also has made a commitment to give back to the communities the gems are sourced from. Recently, she donated funds towards purchase of an ultrasound machine and medical laboratory microscope to Dr. Ikem Onwude in Abuja, Nigeria. She also happens to be a fellow American Gem Trade Association Member. The AGTA is the world’s leading authority in colored gemstones and pearls, and we’re proud to be one of the 17 Canadian members.
In honor of the spirit of giving, we announced that we would give 10% of the purchase price of Lisa’s gems back to the Vulcan County Health and Wellness Foundation.
We’re pleased to announce that all of Lisa’s gemstones have sold, which means a $255 donation for the Vulcan County Health and Wellness Foundation. We look forward to showcasing more of Lisa’s gems, and continuing donations to the Vulcan County Health and Wellness Foundation.
As health care providers the staff of Deja View believe in supporting and promoting events and activities that enhance health and quality of life. Eye health is often impacted by an individual’s overall general health. Diseases such as diabetes, for example, which can be diet and lifestyle induced, are a leading cause of blindness. Good nutrition and an active, healthy lifestyle help to ward off and/or delay the onset of a variety of eye health issues. This is particularly true as we age. Our office believes that putting our support behind events such as this contributes to our mission of providing excellent eye care and helping patients to maintain the best possible eye health. As well, in these Covid times, when mental health issues are spiking, exercise is particularly important for, and relevant to, buffering mental health challenges. Mental health and physical health are two ends of the same rope and they impact each other both positively and negatively. Our office supports anything that helps to improve all these aspects of health.