The AutoPulse® Resuscitation Systems

With the Power of Community – We are better together.

In early January of 2022, wait times for ambulances had significantly increased. Due to the situation, we embarked on a mission to improve our County’s medical response capabilities by adding 7 AutoPulse Resuscitation Systems to our responder’s toolboxes.

The AutoPulse Resuscitation System provides high-quality CPR to victims of sudden cardiac arrest. They are easy to use and battery-operated; AutoPulse squeezes the patient’s chest to improve blood flow to the heart and brain. AutoPulse automatically sizes to the patient and has shown improved outcomes in numerous clinical trials.

Ensuring all four corners of our County, where our family, friends and neighbours reside, have access to an AutoPulse. The Vulcan County Health & Wellness Foundation launched a funding campaign in early February. To raise the money required to purchase seven complete systems. One for each Fire Hall in Vulcan County and one for the incident command vehicle. This fundraising target was exceeded in three and a half months—an incredible showing of support by private donors and our corporate community. Enough funding for this campaign has also allowed us to provide an eighth AutoPulse System to our neighbours at Siksika Nation Emergency Services. We were happy to present this equipment on May 3, 2023, to Tom Littlechild, Director of Emergency Services, Siksika Nation.

Deployment statistics of the Auto Pulse equipment around Vulcan County.

Stn 27 Vulcan 8 times with ROSC (return of spontaneous circulation) twice.

Stn 17 Milo used once.

Stn 16 Arrowwood was used once by STARS.

Stn 21 Carmangay was used once.

Thank you again to the many donors, both private citizens and corporate donors, that supported this campaign.

Please review more information on this website for how donor dollars enhance the quality of healthcare for all citizens of Vulcan County.